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- General Rules -


§ Length of the field will be a total of 60 yards, plus two 10-yard end zones

§ The width of the playing field will be 53 yards wide


Game Start:                                     

§ Coin toss with players from each team at mid-field; visiting team calls the toss

§ Winner of toss may choose offense or defense, loser of toss choses direction

§ Direction changes in second half

·   Possession begins at the 20 yard line at start of game, at start of 2nd half, and after every touchdown scored

·   Home team in charge of running game clock & moving sticks  (4 total Volunteers / game)



§ Players must always wear mouth guards and league-provided helmets

§ K2 size Football

§ Players will wear 2 flags in games (1 on each side); No flag will be used on players back



§ Two 25-minute halves with running clock; 5 minute half-time

§ Each team has one 30-second timeout per half (clock does not start until snap after timeout)

§ Clock will stop for any injury

§ Huddle time – 45 second play clock - 5 yard penalty from LOS after warning



§ Touchdown = 6 points

§ PAT from 2-yard line = 1 point

§ PAT from 5-yard line = 2 points

§ Safety = 2 points (team scoring the safety, receives ball on their 20)

§ No PATs for a team with a 25 point or greater lead

§ 10 yards = 1st down

§ Head coaches verify score with one another at halftime and at end of game

§ Winning team head coach reports score to league commissioner


§ 2 defensive coaches and 2 offensive coaches are allowed on field per team.

§ 1 coach is assigned to line play; ensuring proper splits and helping avoid mismatches in lineman abilities

- Offense -                        


·   1 Center / 2 Guards

Splits can be no wider than fingertip-to-fingertip from the outstretched arm of the offensive lineman next to them / (Center & Guards are not eligible receivers)

·   2 Tight Ends

1 on each side of line.  Splits can be no wider than fingertip-to-fingertip from the outstretched arm of the offensive lineman next to them

·   Tights Ends are eligible receivers or may stay and block.  If running a route, TE’s may chip block. 

·   1 QB

·   3 additional eligible WR’s / RB’s

None of these players can line up on the line of scrimmage as lineman

 Ball Carrying:

§ There are no fumbles.  The ball is spotted where the fumble occurs.

§ If the ball carrier falls down, the ball is dead at the spot.

§ If a ball carrier loses a flag from their belt, the ball will be spotted at the spot where the flag dropped.

§ Running plays through the “A” gap (to the immediate left or right of the center) are not allowed

§ NO “stiff arms” allowed

Ball Snaps:    

§ The ball must be snapped between the legs, not off to one side, to start play.

§ One dropped snap per offensive possession will be allowed without the loss of down.  This includes bad shotgun snaps.  Any additional bad snap per offensive possession will result in a loss of down from the original line of scrimmage 4th down:                                         

·   No kicks of any kind allowed

·   If offense fails to make a 1st down within their first three downs, they may declare a punt on 4th down.  In this case the ball is placed fifteen yards from the line of scrimmage (as if a punt occurred) and possession changes. If the offensive team chooses not to declare a punt on 4th down and they do not make a 1st down, possession changes hands at the spot of 4th down play.


·   Blocking must be with hands placed between defender’s waist and shoulders

·   Block with hands only with body remaining upright (PANCAKES ARE NOT ALLOWED)

 (Center play cont.)

o   On running plays, center may pull down the line of scrimmage or move up field to block;

o   On passing plays, Center must remain at line of scrimmage to block until pass is thrown. 

 - Defense


·   4 defensive linemen (each lined up one yard off the line of scrimmage)

o   Lined up head-up from the opposing offensive lineman/TE

o   No D-lineman can line up over center

·   5 additional defensive players (each lined up at least 2 yards off the line of scrimmage)

 Downing A Player:

·   one flag pulled equals a downed ball carrier

·   when flag is pulled, defensive player must immediately stop and raise flag into the air to help with the spot

·   A player is also considered down if any part of their body other than a hand or foot touches the ground

·   no tackling allowed


·   The 4 defensive linemen can rush/blitz/pursue the QB at any time and will be considered standard, acceptable line play

·   1 additional defensive player may blitz ON 3RD AND 4TH DOWNS ONLY, and from a starting distance of at least 2 yards off the line of scrimmage

·   No blitzing through “A” gaps allowed by anyone at anytime  

 Other Defensive Gameplay:

§ Defense may play man or zone defense or any combination

·   Interceptions may be returned for touchdown or intercepting team will take possession where downed

·   No jamming receivers at the LOS

 - Line Play

·   All linemen must begin in a 3-point stance

·   Offensive lineman splits can be no wider than fingertip-to-fingertip from their outstretched arms

·   Defensive lineman must line up 1 yard off the line of scrimmage.  ALL OTHER DEFENSIVE PLAYERS MUST BE AT LEAST 2 YARDS OFF THE LINE OF SCRIMMAGE. 

·   Coaches are responsible for avoiding mismatches. 

·   No moving around your biggest lineman to attempt a mismatch

·   Offensive line sets first / then D line can adjust to avoid mismatches

- Penalites


·        Officials will call all penalties

·        Officials may determine if incidental contact occurred (as opposed to penalty)

·        Only coaches may discuss a penalty call with officials

·        Games and halves may not end on a penalty unless the opposing team declines the penalty

·        Penalties will be assessed half the distance to the goal line when the penalty yardage is more than yardage to end zone

·        If official has an inadvertent whistle, offense can decide either:

o   Take ball at the yard line where play was stopped by inadvertent whistle, or

o   Replay the down

·        Coaches are allowed to use a timeout to question an official’s interpretation or assessment of a rule (not the call itself)

o   If official’s ruling or interpretation was correct, team will be charged with the timeout

o   If official’s ruling or interpretation was incorrect, team will not be charged with the timeout


Offensive Penalties


BALL CARRIER LEAVES FEET (jumping/diving for any reason)




BALL CARRIER FLAG GUARDING (Using hand to knock away defender’s hand or shielding flag with ball carrier’s hand is considered “Flag Guarding.”


BALL CARRIER INITIATING CONTACT (not attempting to avoid contact / lowering head to engage contact)




Running Play Through “A” Gap

*Player Safety Rule to Avoid Collisions and Center Injuries*


Delay of Game


False Start




Unnecessary Roughness


BLOCKER FALLING ON TOP OF DEFENDER (A “PANCAKE”) A second penalty of this kind called on the same player results in player’s ejection




Unsportsmanlike Conduct




Defensive Penalties


Pass Interference

Offense moves to spot of foul & Automatic First Down


Offense +5 yards from line of scrimmage (<5yrd line-> Frist Down)

Blitzing (On 1st / 2nd Down) or Through “A” Gap

Offense +5 yards from line of scrimmage (<5yrd line-> Frist Down)


Offense +10 yards from line of scrimmage & Automatic First Down

Unnecessary Roughness

Offense +10 yards from line of scrimmage & Automatic First Down


Offense +15 yards from line of scrimmage & Automatic First Down

Unsportsmanlike Conduct

Offense +15 yards from line of scrimmage & Automatic First Down


- Other Rules & Clarifications -

Overtime Play:

§ Teams will alternate four plays from the 15-yard line with no first downs

§ Coin toss as start of overtime to determine who will play offense first; alternate team first on offense for each session thereafter

§ For any 3rd overtime and beyond, all PATs must be 2-point attempts from 10-yard line



§ Simultaneous possession by both an offensive and defensive player goes to offense

§ Defense may return Interception PAT; 2 points awarded to defense if returned successfully

§ No intentional ball stripping

§ Substitution of players may be made after any dead ball; no extra huddle time or time to snap allotted

§ If 9 players cannot be fielded, teams will play 7v7 with no forfeit. 

o   1 TE and 1 RB/WR will be removed on Offense

o   Conversely, 1 D lineman and another defensive player will be removed


·   Team Standings will be published weekly

·   If 2 teams are tied at the end of the season, tiebreakers are: 1) head-to-head records, 2) points allowed, 3) points scored, 4) coin flip

·   Playoff brackets / seeding will be based on final standings



- General Rules -

Game Start:                                     

§ Coin toss with players from each team at mid-field; visiting team calls the toss

§ Winner of toss may choose offense or defense, loser of toss choses direction

§ Direction changes in second half


§ Players must always wear mouth guards and league-provided helmets

§ TDJ size Football


§ Two 25-minute halves with running clock; 5 minute half-time

§ Each team has one 30-second timeout per half

§ Clock will stop for any injury


§ Touchdown = 6 points

§ PAT from 5-yard line = 1 point

§ PAT from 10-yard line = 2 points

§ Safety = 2 points

    [No PATs for a team with a 25 point or greater lead]

Basic Play:

§ All passing league (no hand-offs or running plays), except in the event the defense sends one “blitzing” defender to rush the QB, which gives QB the option to run (see below details)

§ QB has 4 seconds to pass, can only make forward passes from behind line of scrimmage

§ One-hand touch

§ Interceptions may be returned for touchdown or intercepting team will take possession where downed

§ Offense starts possession with 40 yards to end zone

§ Offense has 3 downs to achieve 10 yards for a 1st down

§ Turnover by loss of downs results in new offensive possession with 40 yards to end zone

Offense Play (more detail pgs 3-4):

§ No center will be used in this league

§ 6 eligible receivers

§ At least 2 receivers must be on the line of scrimmage to start play

§ Other receivers can be in slot or other formation

§ Motion is allowed by one receiver at a time

§ “Shuffle” Blocking allowed by non-ball-carrying receivers after the catch (see details below)

Defensive Play (more detail pgs 3-4):               

§ Defense may play man or zone defense or any combination

§ Defense may “jam” / disrupt receiver at start of route at line of scrimmage

§ One defender may blitz/rush the QB on any given play (or not at all)

Ø Blitzing/rushing defender may be positioned over a receiver or not, but always outside of 5-yard ball radius at snap

Ø No “fake” blitz or rush attempt may occur – any “fake” gives QB option to run

Ø No other defender may down the QB until the QB has crossed the line of scrimmage


Other Positioning:

§ No Offensive or Defensive player may line up within a 5-yard radius of the football at snap

§ One offensive coach is allowed on the field to participate in the huddle; coach must always stay behind the area of play

- Penalty Chart and Notes -


§ Officials will call all penalties

§ Officials may determine if incidental contact occurred (as opposed to penalty)

§ Only Coaches may discuss a penalty call with officials

§ Games and halves may not end on a penalty unless the opposing team declines the penalty

§ Penalties will be assessed half the distance to the goal line when the penalty yardage is more than yardage to end zone

§ If official has an inadvertent whistle, offense can decide either:

Ø Take ball at the yard line where play was stopped by inadvertent whistle, or

Ø Replay the down

§ Coaches are allowed to use a timeout to question an official’s interpretation or assessment of a rule (not the call itself):

Ø If official’s ruling or interpretation was correct, team will be charged with the timeout

Ø If official’s ruling or interpretation was incorrect, team will not be charged with the timeout


Penalty Type

Penalty Assessed



Defensive Penalties


Pass Interference

Offense moves to spot of foul & Automatic First Down


Offense +10 yards from line of scrimmage & Automatic First Down

Unnecessary Roughness

Offense +10 yards from line of scrimmage & Automatic First Down


Offense +15 yards from line of scrimmage & Automatic First Down

Unsportsmanlike Conduct

Offense +15 yards from line of scrimmage & Automatic First Down

Illegal Rush (>1 player or starting w/in 5yrds)

Offense +5 yards from line of scrimmage & Automatic First Down


Offense +5 yards from line of scrimmage (<5yrd line-> Frist Down)



Offensive Penalties


Delay of Game (>20 sec huddle; >25 sec to snap)

Offense -5 yards from line of scrimmage (<5yrd line-> Loss of Down)

Illegal Motion (more than 1 player in motion)

Offense -5 yards from line of scrimmage (<5yrd line-> Loss of Down)

Offsides or False Start

Offense -5 yards from line of scrimmage (<5yrd line-> Loss of Down)

Offensive Pass Interference

Offense -5 yards from line of scrimmage & Loss of Down

Illegal Pass (QB backwards pass, QB past line)

Offense -5 yards from line of scrimmage & Loss of Down

Unnecessary Roughness / Illegal Block

Offense -10 yards from line of scrimmage & Loss of Down


Offense -15 yards from line of scrimmage & Loss of Down

Unsportsmanlike Conduct

Offense -15 yards from line of scrimmage & Loss of Down





- Game Play Details -


“Downing” an Offensive Player:

§ Defense “downs” an offensive player with the ball by one-hand touch

§ No contact can be made on an offensive player’s neck or head (see Penalty Chart below)

§ A player is also considered down if any part of their body other than a hand or foot touches the ground

“Jamming” an Offensive Receiver:

§ Defense may “jam” or disrupt a receiver upon the start of their route

Ø This must occur at the line of scrimmage at the start of the play

Ø No neck or head contact allowed with receiver

Ø No holding or charging-through receiver

“Blitzing” or Rushing the QB:

§ One defender may blitz/rush the QB on any given play

§ The defender may be positioned in any manner (over a receiver or not), but always outside of the 5-yard radius of the ball at snap

§ The defender does not need to be designated

§ No other defender may down the QB until the QB has crossed the line of scrimmage

§ No “fake” blitz or rush attempt may occur

Ø If a defender independently (not in coverage) moves towards the line of scrimmage, then the QB has the option to run


§ Defender may intercept the pass and attempt to return the ball to the end zone for a touchdown

§ Same “downing” a player (see above) and “shuffle” blocking (see below) rules apply upon occurrence of an interception


Starting Play:                                   

§ 20 seconds allowed in huddle; 25 seconds to snap the ball

Ø (Either is a delay of game – see Penalty Chart below)

§ Center snap or QB “hike” begins play

QB Play:

§ QB has 4 seconds to throw the ball

§ QB may only make forward passes and must be behind the line of scrimmage when passing

§ Shovel passes are allowed (as long as forward and from behind the line of scrimmage)

§ If a defender blitzes/rushes the QB, then QB has the option to run

§ Once defender has blitzed/rushed the QB, 4 seconds to pass does not apply

§ QB may throw the ball away from behind the line of scrimmage to avoid a sack

Receiver Play:

§ Receiver is down upon one-hand contact by a defender

§ Receiver must have one-foot in bounds

§ A player is also considered down if any part of their body other than a hand or foot touches the ground

§ A receiver may make a backwards lateral to another receiver (not to the QB or center)


“Shuffle” Blocking:                        

§ “Shuffle” blocking is allowed after a reception by receivers without the ball

§ “Shuffle” blocking allows receivers to laterally move to block a defender’s path; no pushing, grabbing, or driving through a defender is allowed

Center Play (if applicable):          

§ Center may direct snap or shotgun snap the ball

§ Play continues on any type of bobbled snap

§ Center may “shuffle” block any blitzing/rushing defender

§ Center may not be an eligible receiver

§ Center may not run down-field to “shuffle” block defenders

Overtime Play:

§ Teams will alternate four plays from the 15-yard line with no first downs

§ Coin toss as start of overtime to determine who will play offense first; alternate team first on offense for each session thereafter

§ For any 3rd overtime and beyond, all PATs must be 2-point attempts from 10-yard line

Other Rules of Play

and Clarifications:

§ Simultaneous possession by both an offensive and defensive player goes to offense

§ Defense may return Interception PAT; 2 points awarded to defense if returned successfully

§ No requirement to ever blitz/rush the QB

§ QB is down where the one-hand touch occurs, even if in backfield

§ No ball stripping after procession occurs and any fumble results in a “down” player at the point of fumble

§ Substitution of players may be made after any dead ball; no extra huddle time or time to snap allotted

§ Should a safety occur, defensive team scoring the safety then moves to offense


·   Team Standings will be published weekly

·   If 2 teams are tied at the end of the season, tiebreakers are: 1) head-to-head records, 2) points allowed, 3) points scored, 4) coin flip

·   Playoff brackets / seeding will be based on final standings



FCA Force Athletics
960 Rosewood Drive 
West Chicago, Illinois 60185

Phone: 630-251-8268
Email: [email protected]

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